• Gülleseparator PM200 mobil oder stationär
    Separator PM200
    • ideal für kleinere & mittlere Betriebe
    • Durchsatzleistung bis zu 18m³/h
    zum Produkt
  • Gülleseparator PM260 mobil oder stationär
    Separator PM260
    • ideal für mittlere & große Betriebe
    • Durchsatzleistung bis zu 35m³/h
    zum Produkt
  • Gülleseparator PM300 mit hoher Durchsatzleistung
    Separator PM300
    • Durchsatzleistung bis zu 65m³/h
    • ideal für Großbetriebe & Lohnunternehmen
    zum Produkt
  • Separator PM300-X mit einem Maximum an Leistung in der Gülleseparation
    Separator PM300-X
    • ideal für Großbetriebe & Lohnunternehmen
    • Durchsatzleistung bis zu 90m³/h
    zum Produkt
  • Separator DSR für den Wandanbau als auch für den Deckenanbau
    Separator DSR
    • Ideal für Biogasanlagenbetreiber
    • Separator mit direkter Substratrückführung
    zum Produkt

Separators separate solids and liquids

The principle of separating slurry is briefly explained: a separator separates the solid and liquid substances from the medium to be separated. The result is separated slurry solids and thin slurry. Raw slurry usually has a dry matter content (DM content) of between 6 and 10%. Separation with a Paulmichl slurry separator can increase the dry matter content of the separated slurry solids to up to 32%. Separators can also separate the solid and liquid components of the substrate in biogas plants.

The versatile application possibilities of separators bring many advantages to farmers, arable farmers and biogas plant operators.

  • Improving the nutrient balance & more efficient fertilization
  • Slurry as a substitute for mineral fertilizer
  • Less feed contamination and burns due to more free-flowing liquid manure
  • Reduction in storage volume, application rates and transport costs
  • Reduction in mixing costs


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What are the advantages of separation?

Advantages of manure separation and biogas separators

Less feed contamination and more efficient fertilization: After separation, the thin slurry is more suitable for fertilization. Due to its good flowability, it is quickly absorbed into the soil, contaminates the forage or crop less, causes fewer burns and the time window for application is larger. The thin slurry contains a high proportion of readily available ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N). The increased NH4 content accelerates the nitrogen effect. As a result, yields increase and the need for reseeding and herbicides is reduced.

Improvement of the nutrient balance: If the balance shows a nutrient surplus, the nutrients can be released to the outside through separation, e.g. to arable farms and biogas plants.

Optimal use of the solids: Due to the high proportion of organically bound nitrogen, the solid portion can be used as a long-term fertilizer, thus returning the carbon to the carbon cycle. The solid phase contains around 20% of the total N, around a third of the phosphorus and around 15% of the potash.

Reduced spreading and transportation costs: Separation makes the slurry more transportable and the nutrient content per tonne is higher.

Slurry as a substitute for mineral fertilizer: After separation, the nitrogen in the thin slurry is present to a greater extent in a readily available ammonium form. This allows the nutrients to penetrate the soil more quickly. As a result, ammonia losses are reduced.

Less storage capacity: Separation can reduce the storage volume by up to 20%.

More environmentally friendly spreading: The liquid manure spread develops fewer odors as it can be spread close to the ground or slit directly into the soil.

Reduction in energy costs for agitation: If the liquid manure is very thick, it makes the work of the agitators more difficult. An increase in electricity costs with a constant or even decreasing gas yield of a biogas plant could indicate problems with the agitators in the fermenter. In biogas plants, this can be counteracted by separating and pressing the solids out of the fermenter. The remaining liquid phase can then be fed back into the tank, allowing the agitators to work optimally again.

Reduction of the storage volume in the tank: By separating solids and liquids, the storage volume in the tank can be reduced considerably (depending on the source material).


Less storage capacity:

Separation can reduce the storage volume by up to 20%.


More environmentally friendly spreading:

The liquid manure spread develops fewer odors as it can be spread close to the ground or slit directly into the soil.


Reduced energy costs for agitation:

If the slurry is very thick, it makes the work of the agitators more difficult. An increase in electricity costs with a constant or even decreasing gas yield of a biogas plant could indicate problems with the agitators in the fermenter. In biogas plants, this can be counteracted by separating and pressing the solids out of the fermenter. The remaining liquid phase can then be fed back into the tank, allowing the agitators to work optimally again. 


Reduction of the storage volume in the tank:

By separating solids and liquids, the storage volume in the tank can be reduced considerably (depending on the source material).



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